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The Hymn of Forest

“You can hear the song of trees in the forest,” said Wyee, a bassoonist who loves nature and believes that people living in the city often overlook the messages from Mother Nature. Her dream is to hold a concert in the woods in which the audience can listen carefully to the sounds of nature.

Wyee wants to know more about trees, so she joins the Forest Guards established by a green group. Kami and Pui-sze, founders of the Forest Guards, have been working on tree conservation for years. They have hit various nature trails and planted numerous seedlings in the countryside. However, their concerted efforts would be wasted overnight due to devastating wildfires.


English / Cantonese  (TV Version)



(First run)

2024.5.7 TUE 9:30pm





Hong Kong Stories - Whispers of Trees

We cannot live without trees, yet our knowledge of them are limited. The programme series follows individual's life, experiences and sentiments through their relationship with trees, whether emotional or physical.
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