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Leo Chan : Sky Has No Limit


Leo Chan : Sky Has No Limit

”When you are not afraid, anything is possible.” - Leo Chan

Passionate about leveraging new technologies, Leo Chan is a founder of a firm aiming to introduce innovative changing solutions to every day's technology products. He is a person with a growth mindset. He often pushes himself out of his comfort zone, like participating in Triathlon, and recently, finished a swimming relay across the English Channel.

Leo is bold to explore and is striven to find new opportunities in different regions like Shanghai and Singapore. His dream is to teach or share with others what he is good at. In this episode, Leo will tell us his entrepreneurial journey, his path as a public speaker and a sports enthusiast.

Dream Chasers

Combining the personal stories of successful entrepreneurs with a public speaking segment, Dream Chasers aims to inspire young audience to pursue their dreams and consider entrepreneurship as a viable career option. Entrepreneurs from a diverse range of innovative industries will be invited to share their path to success, encouraging viewers to explore new and emerging fields.
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