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Journey to Dragon's Back and Shek O


Journey to Dragon's Back and Shek O

Dragon's Back has been selected as one of "the best hikes in Hong Kong" by internationally renowned travel guides. Its proximity to the city, coupled with its scenic beauty, attracts many tourists who come here eagerly.

At Dragon's Back, visitors can enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view of the surrounding areas, including Big Wave Bay, Clear Water Bay Peninsula, and Stanley. Among them, Shek O in the southeastern part of Hong Kong Island is also a popular weekend destination for locals.

After completing the Dragon's Back hike, the hosts then proceed to Shek O to take on the challenge of rock climbing. They have also invited an expert in rocky shore ecology to teach them how to observe the tiny yet resilient organisms that cling to the rocky shores.

Hong Kong's Greenery & Biodiversity (English version)

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