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M+ Cindy Sherman & Yasumasa Morimura, Children Of The Dust@MAYAO & in the studio: Claudia Ng


M+ Cindy Sherman & Yasumasa Morimura, Children Of The Dust@MAYAO & in the studio: Claudia Ng

Since cave dwellers first left handprints on cave walls, artists have found ways to represent themselves in art. Since then, self-portraits have appeared in many different forms: in painting, sculpture, photography and other creative media. Currently on show at M+ is an exhibition of works by two prominent photographers for whom self-portraiture becomes a way to reflect on society, celebrity, and identity.

There is a theory that almost all the elements required to make up the human body were created in the furnaces of stars. That theory inspires the title of “The Children of Dust” at Mayao Art Space in Wong Chuk Hang. The exhibition features 31 works by eight artists from China, Israel, Peru, Iran, France, and Singapore.

Singer-songwriter Claudia Ng says her compositions are driven by her love for jazz. Her latest EP is called, “Everything, everywhere”, the Chinese title of which《空空》(kung kung) is inspired by a concept from Buddhist philosophy.

The Works

  • Video
  • English
  • Culture
  • On-going
RTHK' s The Works focuses on Hong Kong's arts and cultural scene.

The Works features news and reviews of visual and performing arts, design, literary and other “ works ” .

Added illumination comes from interviews with leading performers and producers, interspersed with updates on events affecting the development of the territory 's artistic and cultural life. There's also in – most weeks – a live studio performance.

The Works is aired on RTHK 32 every Wednesday at 21:30 & RTHK 31 every Saturday at 16:00.

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Archive available later after broadcast. ** Please note that the programme air-time on TV is different with webcast time.
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