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英語篇 #3 父親節

父親節,你會點慶祝?How are going to celebrate Father’s Day?
電鬚刨 Electric Shaver
剃須刀 Razor
平板電腦 Tablet

Thank you, it looks nice!
I’ve been thinking to buy this!
This is just what I need!
- 如你真的不知道是什麼來的:
What is this? What is this for? How do I use this?

你同爸爸食左啲咩? (西餐)What did you guys eat?
● 九龍/新界區的西餐廳會有中文
● 有時,港島區西餐廳 menu 可能只有英文 There may not be Chinese on the menu.
● 侍應server 也只說英文 They may only speak English as well.
● Steak 牛扒 - 不是讀 stick
● 侍應問: 牛扒幾成熟?
How would you like your steak?
- Medium (5成熟)
- Medium well (7成熟)
- Well done (全熟)
I would like it well done.
Can I have it well done?
Well done, please.

● 凱撒沙拉 Caesar Salad
● 魚扒 Fish filet / Grilled fish fillet (filet vs fillet) - Bake 焗
● Roasted chicken (rotisserie chicken)
● 配菜 sides
- 薯蓉 mashed potatoes
- 焗薯 baked potato
- 芝士通粉 macaroni and cheese
- 椰菜仔Brussel sprouts
- 蘆筍 asparagus
- 配菜沙拉 Side salad
● 叫Pasta 侍應可能會問你要唔要cheese:
Would you like some cheese?
Can I have some cheese for the pasta?
侍應磨芝士時,想話 「夠了」:
This is good enough, thanks.
如何用英文點餐 How to order food in English?
- Can I have the grilled fish filet?
- May I have the grilled fish filet?
- I would like to have the grilled fish filet?
● 想要多一個配菜 Can I have an extra side?
● 額外配菜幾錢? How much is it for an extra side?
● Server 可能問:頭盤同主菜可否一起上?
Can the appetizer and main course be served at the same time?
● 想睇一下甜品餐牌:
Can I have the dessert menu, please?
We hope you all have a wonderful Father’s Day. If you are a father, today is a special day to celebrate you, you are well deserved! Thank you for everything that you have done for us!

珍惜眼前人Appreciate and value those who love you!


《語妙天下》(Language Academy) 推出新一輯英語篇,選取了歷史性的演講詞,學習如何透過語言說服和打動人;另外還有Miss Maggie的實用筆記,為公開試考生加油!
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