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World Sleep Day (15-3-2019)


World Sleep Day (15-3-2019)

On this week's Agender Cafe, since today is World Sleep Day we're talking to two experts in the field. Dr Shirley Li is an assistant professor at the department of Psychology at the the University of Hong Kong, and also runs the Sleep Research Clinic and Lab at HKU. And Dr Wing Yun-kwok is professor and chairman at the department of Psychiatry at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and also Director of the Sleep Assessment Unit at CUHK.

Agender Cafe

The Agender Cafe serves up a delicious array of topics on gender, sex, sexuality and society. Every week we have a frank, open conversation with our guests about issues which affect us all, and try to tackle some of those “taboo” topics.

Sit down with hosts Karen Koh & Noreen Mir every Friday from 2-3pm and enjoy a visit to the Agender Cafe!
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